HC-CARGO Partnership
Please note that you can only apply for a partnership with HC-CARGO if you are customer from the following countries.
Apply for partnership with following enteties!
HC-CARGO DK; Denmark, Estonia, Faroe Islands, Finland, Greenland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway and Sweden
HC-CARGO DE; Austria, Germany and Switzerland
HC-CARGO ES; Spain and Portugal
HC-CARGO IT; Italy and San Marino
HC-CARGO UK; Great Britain, Jersey, Guernsey and Isle of Man
Order Manager setup
Registration for the Order Manager
To register for the Order Manager, you will need to have a Teccom ID and password, here you can register as a TecAlliance customer.
Note! TecAlliance support browsers; Edge, Firefox and Crome

- Fill in your details and remember to select role as buyer.
- When the details are filled in press on request new Teccom ID
- You will then receive a TeccomID and password from TecAlliance
- Then go to Register with TeccomID
- Fill in your received TeccomID and password press verify
The Teccom ID is a key for your organisation to use the Order Manager and you are free to use the Order Manager.
Setting up partnership with HC-CARGO
To create a partnership with HC-CARGO you can find suppliers by adding a Partner and search for suppliers name.
- Go to administration and click on search Partners
- Search for HC-CARGO

- Please choose partnership HC-CARGO DK!
- When you have sent a request, a HC-CARGO representative will contact you with an agreement.
- When you have agreed, HC-CARGO will accept the partnership request and you can find us in your list of Partners

Delivery Address setup
- Go to Administration and choose Ship-to
- Click New and fill in ship to adresses as per HC-CARGO agreement

Setting up delivery address - part 2
Below Set-up is important for the relation between HC-CARGO and Teccom to work!
Go to Partners and click on HC-CARGO and fill in the details.
- Enter supplier number
- Enter HC-CARGO customer number
- Add the delivery number provided from HC-CARGO to your ship to addresses.

Make your request and order for HC-CARGO products
When the agreement is final and the partnership has been created you are ready to order.
- Create a request
- Fill in the details and finally press request or order
- Choose supplier
- Choose dispatch mode - Check your agreement with HC-CARGO which dispatch modes are connected with deliverymode
- Enter your order reference - this is optional
- Enter your requested delivery date - this is optional
- Choose ship to address - this is optional
- Enter HC-CARGO product number
- Enter quantity
- Request for availability and price - optional
- Order

- The order is send and you will receive an order respons in Teccom as confirmation..

If the order should fail, this might be caused by
- The product number is a not a HC-CARGO number
- The product number is no longer active
- The message might be "Drop shipment not allowed" this is related to a missing Delivery ID - please check above "Setting up delivery adress - part 2".
- Otherwise please contact your sales representative or TecAlliance support.
Import CSV file funktion
You will also have the opportunity to import a CSV file to Order Manager.
- You will need to use TecAlliance orderforms and fill in the details and orderlines.
- Then you can import the file to Order Manager and sent the order.

If you need further information and guidance, you can find several guides in Order Manager help desk!